In today’s hot real estate market, you may ask if you should make renovations to help the house sell for more?
The answer is it depends. Major renovations usually don’t recoup their cost in terms of higher sales price, however if the house is in excellent shape except a kitchen or bathroom, you may consider doing it for a higher sales price. Minor updates are a good approach to help the house look better without a major investment. Some examples are painting the house, new cabinets, flooring (if in bad shape), even minor things like updating the faucets can make a big difference. If you have potential turn-offs like water damage, it’s something to consider fixing. A water stain on a ceiling can scare off buyers, so replastering or sheetrock over stains is probably a good idea.
If you do decide to do a major reno, keep in mind you are doing this to sell and not to your style, so avoid bold choices and go with more neutral options. Overall, in today’s hot market its probably better to focus on little things rather big updates.